Home / Our Advisory Process
It all starts with a plan:
Having a plan is key to what we do. We sit down with you to understand your financial position, financial goals and attitude to risk. Once we understand this, we design an investment plan to best meet your needs & goals. We take you through the plan and ensure we are on the same page before we put it in place. To ensure you are happy and we are making progress toward your goals, we meet with you each year to review the plan and make any changes that are required.
We are objective:
We are not tied to any providers so can tailor solutions exactly to your needs. All of our recommendations are backed by independent research and we take the time to explain why we have chosen each provider. Our internal processes ensure that when we make a recommendation, it will have been subject to a rigorous selection process, confirming that it will meet your needs.
Exceptional customer service:
We strive to create a positive and lasting impression on our customers by providing exceptional customer service. We are available to help you at any time. Our managed service includes an annual face to face meeting as well as six monthly catch ups by phone. However, we are available at any time to answer any questions you have, explain your investments or help in any other investment related way. Most of our clients have been with us for a long time and that trust and loyalty was built by our commitment to exceptional customer service.
This is where we meet to understand your financial goals and attitude to risk.
We also gather information about you to ensure our proposed plan best meets your needs.
We take you through the plan and ensure we are on the same page.
Once we are we help you put the plan in place.
We constantly monitor the plan.
We meet with you twice a year and are on call all year to answer any questions or make changes if your circumstances change.